Scar Wars

Buy and sell resources in Chicago to earn money each day !

More informations about Scar Wars


Al Capone is the king of Cicero.

You've been chosen to work with him. Make the most money you can.

You have 30 days !


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How to play Scar Wars


Buy and sell resources in Chicago to make money.

Prices will vary every day, depending on the district you’re in.

Just be careful about your money, and how much you can carry. Streets aren’t safe…

When you’re ready to sell your resources, just move and remember you only have 30 days…

2 important things:

  1. You owe money to Capone. Be quick to pay back your loan. Or else...
  2. And you can save money in the bank too. It increases your revenues, but you can’t use your balance to buy items: so use it wisely.

Good luck, my friend.